The Well: Dig Deep. Be Well.
- Manage Stress, Time, and Life Transitions
- Reach Resilience from Within
- Break Through from Burnout
Options include:
- Individual and Group Coaching
- Professional Development Presentations and Courses
- Strategic Planning for your Organization
- Coach Training to develop a Culture of Coaching for Your Team or Organization
Programs Include:
What's Next? It's Your Time!
- Looking to make a life transition? Make plans for your next chapter
Navigate and Manage Personal and Professional Life Transitions
- Learn techniques and strategies that support understanding and making a transitions, work - life balance and decision making - so you feel in more in control and balanced
Wellness Visioning
- Develop a personal wellness vision for a healthy, happy, and more balanced life.
Navigate Stress. Navigate Life.
- Stress is everywhere and affects everything, explore and integrate manageable strategies in daily life
Manage Time and Stay Organized
- Learn to prioritize, pre-plan, and calendar to have a better flow to your day
Avoid and Manage Burnout
- Explore, reflect, refresh, and develop helpful strategies to feel more energized
Use Personal Strengths to Gain Wellbeing
- Identify and integrate your strengths, values, and superpowers in daily life
Develop Certainty in Uncertain Times
- Explore and discuss this unique time we are living in and develop a plan to gain control of daily life and manage uncertainty
Make Peace with Food
- Understand your hunger and fullness and integrate intuitive eating principles into your life